Yellow Rose in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose

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Yellow Rose


Yellow Rose is a story of wait. Wait is a cupcake. Baked in the oven of our core with the heat of hope and adorned with sacrifice, pain, bitter sweetness, forbearance and is enveloped in anxiety's choco chips.

Here it may happen that you start hating the character of Jerry in between the story but will surely fall in love with him in the end. Tula is a girl who stays confused in the entire story but her character is meant to stay confused to bring her to the love of her life. She will meet her destiny in the end. Issac is a neutral character who will just be there in the story to justify alignment to the story. And you will meet many more people there in the text.

Remember one thing dear readers no one can rewrite the stars. We all have to meet our destinies one fine day. Swim through this ocean of words to reach the other end of shore where that 'Fine Day' of Tula is waiting for you all to narrate you her destiny.

The Wakening

Present Day

My skin had a shower of morning rays as the long curtains gowning my room's window were dragged to one side. No my windows did not have any problem with nudity. It took me a few minutes to let my iris adjust with the amount of light it was served with. When I got my full vision, I immediately delved into the room for the form of God's artwork who opened curtains and forced me out of my rest.

Ah! As expected it was Jerry. No, it's not his name but I call him that because he is notorious like 'Jerry' from 'Tom and Jerry'. He comes here every Sunday to take me out. Jerry is very weird, not me but people call him that. I just find him a bit different than others and I don't mind his differences. Because he behaves sweet and nice with me. And not all people act like that to me. Some people give me that death glare. Disgust so clear in their eyes towards me that Jerry decided to shift me here. Those some people are Jerry's parents, his uncle and aunt and his few cousins. His sister is cozy though. She does not have any problem with me.

The house I am currently staying in is Mike's house. He is a very busy guy. From what information I am provided with, I know that Mike is Jerry's school friend. He is married and his wife Thea is a very loving lady. He has a daughter named Sofia. She is a real beauty, like her mother. I am staying with her for 3 years and 9 months. My only task for all these years was to look after Sofia. She is 7 now and she is very fond of me. Thea is a working lady so Sofia usually stays with me all the time. Mike goes to the main city and stays there for his business most of the time but he comes back for weekends. Thea owns a cafe down the lane and is the finest baker on this planet.

Few years back I came back to life from the grave. No I wasn't dead but people used to call me brain dead. They thought I would never wake up, or speak up or will ever stand on my feet again and walk. But I did. I met with an accident, at least that's what I was told.

I do remember that day, when I woke up.

3 Years Back

My body felt very heavy, like I was lifting up tons of iron. The sensation of touch was not yet blessed to me by my lord. But I was able to smell things and my surroundings smelled like a mixture of different organic and inorganic chemicals. I was able to hear but voices weren't clear enough for me to form sentences. Something happened and I felt heavier in my chest. My lungs started to contract. And it felt like someone was sucking air out of them and me was devoid of taking in more air. Was I dying? Yes it did feel like that. Although my eyes felt closed for so long that they adjusted very well with the dark they saw for god knows how much time, it still felt like I was pulled into some empty dark space. It now started to hurt badly in my throat. It was dry, very dry. I was losing my only sense which was working perfectly. That smell of chemicals was fading. I panicked but it was of no use. It's not like I would be able to do something. I had no control on my voluntary muscles. Pain was the only sensation that gave the certainty that I am alive. The last thread that connected me with my life was about to demolish itself when I felt air. I could feel air touching my skin. There was a rise of tiny new hope.

I took a sharp breath in and was able to sense the panic that was in my surroundings. I heard voices once again. But still I could feel my end approaching me. My heart rate did not feel good or normal. It was racing like it was one of the players in the motorcycle race. In a sudden moment I felt something cold and metallic peirce into me. It made a hole in my one hand but I did not have sense good enough to point out the exact spot where that pain took birth on my hand. The new hope I saw some minutes back was breathing heavily with me. Our life was withering part by part. We were dying slowly. I did try using every last drop of my will power to come back and get back my senses but i wasn't able to feel anything. No sound, no vision, no smell and no touch. I had to give up now. It was a long fight and now it was the time to quit. I let my lord take my soul and rested in peace. Slowly and gently darkness engulfed me.

I thought I was dead. I thought all the pain is gone now forever. But I was wrong. I heard a feminine voice. Surprised with that sound I wanted to look for it's source. And I really did not have to struggle a lot this time. My eyelashes parted themselves effortlessly. My eyes were open but I wasn't able to adjust it with the amount of light that was showered on my iris. Thus I immediately shut my eyes, scared that it would get hurt. She spoke, " Mam now you will be able to see. I adjusted the light. Please open your eyes again." I tried opening it and it did work. I could see a human figure. A bit blurry but she was still there. That means all of this is real and I am still alive. She touched my shoulder and I was able to feel her touch. I was able to smell those chemicals again. Then more people entered the frame of my vision. And that one face, did something mystical to me. I couldn't help myself. My jaw muscles stretched itself on its own to plant a smile on my lips. Seeing that one face made me sure that I was going to be okay.

I wanted to feel more. I tried speaking but my jaw refused to open. The man whom that face belonged to came nearer to me and his fingers smoothly traced the outline of my face. He then rested his hand on my left cheek, rubbing his thumb warmly and in a comforting manner on my left side of my face. His touch was alluring. It sent currents all over my body. I could feel every single part of my frame experience the sparks he sent to me through his touch. I was still smiling like a madwoman. He was a blur picture but I could sense the smile plastered on his face.

He then pulled his hand away from me and the part of my face that received those warm vibes from his touch was now hit by cold air. Which I don't know why but panicked me. I felt that dying desire to feel his touch again so bad, that I lost my control on my emotions. My eyes started to pour warm and sour liquid that rolled down on both the sides of my face and I had no control on it at all. My orbs just kept on flooding and weeped for god knows how many hours before my eyes took the decision on its own to shut itself tight.
